Think like a startup!

“We are our choices. Build yourself a great story” from Jeff Bezos. Every person will have their own story so what is yours? Building a start-up is like planting a seed. It would require tireless effort, time, and focus to grow the tree before potentially harvesting its fruits. It might not be the right path […]
Promising Opportunities in Canada for International Investors

The Canadian economy is typically known for its reliance upon the nation’s wealth of natural resources and profitable exports like oil, lumber, and auto parts. The services sector, which makes up over 70% of Canada’s GDP, …
COVID-19 & Startups

The 2020 coronavirus pandemic has impacted our reality in a countless number of ways, from changing the way people navigate their daily lives to influencing the outcome of national elections.
Social Entrepreneurship 101: The Ins and Outs of Funding

Seeking and securing funding can be a source of anxiety for first-time entrepreneurs. But it’s a crucial step for both launching and growing your business, and if you’re unsure where to start, it’s worth asking for advice on how to best approach it.
Mental Health Industry — An Overview

The world has come to a standstill and the consequences are far-reaching. The impact of the Coronavirus on the economy, healthcare system, and families is unprecedented.
EdgeCollab is joining forces to combat the COVID 19 pandemic

Canadians are dealing with an unprecedented pandemic situation. Handling times of crisis requires decisiveness, creativity, working together and leadership.
Concierge Patient Care Coaching

In an increasingly complex medical care system, the need for a service to help patients access the care they need has become crucial.
Better Supply Chain Management With Blockchain

Blockchain will change the way we do things in future. We don’t know how long it will take for it to become mainstream, but no one disputes the fact that disruption is on the way.